AdMeTech's Annual VIP Breakfast 2015

The 3rd Annual AdMeTech VIP Breakfast took place on March 12, 2015 at the Union Club in Boston, MA. We were proud to feature and honor Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo, as a champion of prostate cancer awareness, education, and research. While prostate cancer has become more common and lethal than even breast cancer, men do not have reliable diagnostic tools, and public conversation and patient care are lagging far behind. The impact on our families and communities is staggering: This year, an American man will die every 18 minutes, even though prostate cancer is curable when detected early. Millions of men have had unnecessary and/or failed clinical procedures, causing reduced quality of life.
The annual breakfast is presented by AdMeTech, a 501(c)(3) organization providing world leadership in groundbreaking programs in research, education and awareness, which have been recognized by Governor Deval Patrick and leaders of US Congress, Massachusetts State House, Boston City Council, medicine and advocacy. We will present the current state of the art in prostate cancer care and the recent, cutting-edge advances in clinical care and emerging breakthrough research, which, if successfully transferred to patients, may transform prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
Media Coverage
AdMeTech's Annual VIP Breakfast 2014

The second Annual VIP Breakfast was held on April 3, 2014 and resulted in the wide media coverage of the importance of prostate cancer awareness and education for improving patient outcomes, including a front page coverage by the Boston Globe.
This event played an important role in creating a $500,000 state-wide program in education and awareness, which was supported by the Massachusetts Governor and General Court.
Media Coverage
AdMeTech's Annual VIP Breakfast 2013

(L-R) Dr. Clare Tempany, Ferenc Jolesz Vice Chair of Radiology Research, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School; Senator Stephen Brewer; Senate President Therese Murray; Faina Shtern MD, President and CEO, AdMeTech Foundation; Senator Kenneth J. Donnelly; Representative Stephen Kulik; Senator William Brownsberger; and Robert Coughlin, President and CEO, Massachusetts Biotechnology Council.
The Annual VIP Breakfast 2013 was held in honor of Father’s Day and played a decisive role in the allocation of $1.5 million by the Massachusetts Senate and House for the prostate cancer research program to improve early detection and treatment.